28 rezultatov znotraj Oseba Papež Martin V.

28 vrnjeni rezultati

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Papež Martin V.


Berlin State Library

Wolff, Tobias; Medailleur

Numismatic Collection, Berlin State Museums

State Archives of Baden-Württemberg

Germanisches National Museum

Dresden State Art Collections

Malter, Barbara

Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom. Fotothek

Unknown Artist (Production)

Leipzig University Library

Jacobus de Erczesakow; Juliusz II (Pope; 1443-1513); Marcin V (Pope; 1368-1431)

Library of the Wroclaw University

Bernard Picart

Germanisches National Museum

Orlandi, Giovanni (Production), 1590-1640 (Stecher)

Herzog August Library