268 rezultatov znotraj Mesto Banska Bistrica
Banska Bistrica
Naselje in občina na Slovaškem
Stadler Tófor; Mockovcsák J. T.
Lutheran Central Museum
Austrian National Library
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
Hungarian Natural History Museum
Szeberinyi, Jan
Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc
Bartolomaeides, Ladislaus ev. lelkész
Pastoral Office of the Lutheran Parish of Miskolc
National Library of the Czech Republic
National Library of the Czech Republic
Papp Gábor; Papp, Gábor
Hungarian Natural History Museum
Museum of Applied Arts Budapest
Museum of Applied Arts Budapest
Museum of Applied Arts Budapest
Museum of Applied Arts Budapest