Alexanders saga
Alexanders saga Walter of Châtillon AM 655 XXIX 4to AM 225 fol. AM 226 fol. Perg. 4to nr 24 The Royal Library Sweden
- Walter of Châtillon
- The Royal Library
- Gautier de Châtillon
- 1270-1290
- 1700-1799
- 1800-1899
- 1500-1599
- 1600-1699
- 1589-1597
- 1585-1599
- 1594
- 1668
- 1712
- …
- parchment
- Pergament
- Walter of Châtillon
- The Royal Library
- Gautier de Châtillon
- 1270-1290
- 1700-1799
- 1800-1899
- 1500-1599
- 1600-1699
- 1589-1597
- 1585-1599
- 1594
- 1668
- 1712
- …
- parchment
- Pergament
Ponudnik podatkov
Licenca za medije v tem enota (če ni navedeno drugače)
Datum ustvarjanja
- the eighteenth century
- the nineteenth
- sixteenth
- seventeenth century
- sixteenth century
- The manuscript is bound in a blind stamped and tooled leather cover. The stamp on the middle of the front cover is representing Justitia with a sword in her right hand, a balance in her left, and partly by a frame with four parts, in which there are pictures of Christ, St. John, St. Paul and St. David, subscribed respectively with the texts DATA EST M ECE ANGN VS APARVIT BE DE FRVCTV Several parallels to the binding are known from Bergen1589-97 As Alexanders sagaǪrvar-Odds sagaJón HelgasonAlexanders sagaxiiǪrvar-Odds saga
- The manuscript was written in Iceland or NorwayKristian KålundKatalogI673the end of the thirteenth centuryJón Helgasonc. 1280Alexanders sagaxi
- the end of the thirteenth century
- c. 1280
- the end of the sixteenth century
Trenutna lokacija
- København
- The history of the manuscript is unknown until it comes to light shortly before the end of the sixteenth centuryBergenNorway1594AM 344 a 4toǪrvar-Odds saga
- When Árni MagnússonǪrvar-Odds sagaAlexanders saga
- The first known owner was the author of the poem on the first fly-leaf ( 1aJacob PederssønCGarmannj1rChristopher Garmann1639-1721OsHordaland1668AM 435 a 4to, fol. 143vGert MiltzowVossOtto Ottosen Alexandri Magni Saga, antiqvâ rvar oddzess
- In the years 1702-12Iceland1705-061708-09Copenhagen1712DenmarkSwedenSkálholt17201721Ormur Daðasson Kom fra
- AM 519 a 4to
- 155 x 219
- codex
- Kodeks
- is
- isl
Nanj se sklicuje
- Finnur Jónsson, Alexanders saga. iii-xvii.
- Jón Helgason, Alexanders saga: The Arna-Magnæan Manuscript 519a, 4to. v-xxxiii. Facsimile-edition.
- Hreinn Benediktsson, Early Icelandic Script. 14-15, 50-51, 74. With facsimile no. 77 of fol. 11r.
- Konráð Gíslason, Um frum-parta íslenzkrar túngu í fornöld. xl-xliv.
- Kålund, Katalog. I. 673.
- Kålund, Palæografisk Atlas. Facsimile no. 31 of fol. 14v.
- 1712
- 1668
- 1720
- 1721
- 1594
Država izvora
- Czech Republic
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