O-antifonen en andere adventsgebeden (fragment)
O-antiphons and other prayers of the Advent (fragment)
Vrsta enota
- Monograph
- Monografija
Vrsta enota
- Monograph
- Monografija
Ponudnik podatkov
Licenca za medije v tem enota (če ni navedeno drugače)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Datum izdaje
- 1530? - 1560?
- 1530?/1560?
- 9977149430101488
- 2 bifolios + 2 half folios (vertical halfs) ; ; folio: 168 x 130 mm (150 x 110 mm).
- 14-16 lines/page, interlinear space 10 mm, no ruling.
- 1 hand with marginal remarks in a later hand.
- Manuscript
- Rokopis
- la
Je del
- http://data.theeuropeanlibrary.org/Collection/a1180
- Callewaert, C. “De groote Adventsantifonen O”. In: Id., Sacris erudiri. Fragmenta liturgica collecta a monachis Sancti Petri de Aldenburgo in Steenbrugge ne pereant. Steenbrugge: Sint-Pietersabdij, 1940. p. 405-418, i.c. p. 406-407. (edition O-antiphons)
Država izvora
- Belgium
Ime zbirke
Prvič objavljeno na Europeana
- 2015-03-25T17:02:56.887Z
Zadnjič posodobljeno s strani ponudnika podatkov
- 2015-03-25T17:02:56.887Z
Kazalo vsebine
- 1. 4 prayers; f. 1-1v
- *; Excita domine corda nostra
- Incipit: Excita domine corda nostra
- Explicit: servire mereamur (+ final sentence)
- *; Aurem tuam quesumus domine
- Incipit: Aurem tuam quesumus domine
- Explicit: gratia tue visitacionis illustra (+ final sentence)
- *; Excita domine potentiam tuam
- Incipit: Excita domine potenciam nostram
- Explicit: indulgentia tuae propitiationis acceleret (+ final sentence)
- …