28 resultat inom Person Pat Lewis

28 resultat returnerade

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Pat Lewis

Amerikansk sångare

Austin, Caroline

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Kirkham, Leonard; Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, David William

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, David William

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Kirkham, Joseph Sr.

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, Albert George

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, Albert George

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Austin, Caroline

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Austin, Thomas Richard

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, Albert George

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Reed, David William

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Austin, Thomas Richard

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Austin, Thomas Richard

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Kirkham, Joseph

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Austin, Thomas Richard

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

Coode, Robert Glyndon

The Great War Archive, University of Oxford


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