60 resultat inom Person Salomon Hermann Mosenthal

60 resultat returnerade

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Salomon Hermann Mosenthal

Austrian writer, dramatist and poet

Freies Deutsches Hochstift / Frankfurter Goethe-Museum

Gramophone Company; His Master's Voice; Alwin, Karl

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Odeon Record; Nicolai, Otto; Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London); Brüll, Ignaz

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Nicolai, Otto; Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann von; Siems, Margaret; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London); Brüll, Ignaz

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Bavarian State Library

Антон Григорьевич Рубинштейн

Russian State Library

Electrola; Nicolai, Otto; Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

German Grammophone; Goldmark, Karl; Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Gramophone and Typewriter Limited (London); Preuss, Arthur

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Odeon Record; Nicolai, Otto; Mosenthal, Solomon Hermann von; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden