31 resultat inom Person Rudolf Bockelmann

31 resultat returnerade

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Rudolf Bockelmann

Tysk professor

Electrola; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Wagner, Richard; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Offenbach, Jacques; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Loewe, Carl; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Wagner, Richard; Melchior, Lauritz; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Society for historical sound recordings

Society for historical sound recordings

Columbia; Wagner, Richard; Graarud, Gunnar; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Bizet, Georges; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Bizet, Georges

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Telephone; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia; Wagner, Richard; Larsén-Todsen, Nanny; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Society for historical sound recordings

Columbia; Wagner, Richard; Larsén-Todsen, Nanny; …

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Telefunkenplatte-GmbH (Berlin); Telephone; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Supraphon; Wagner, Richard

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London); Beer, Hans

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Wagner, Richard; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Leoncavallo, Ruggiero; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Electrola; Wagner, Richard; Narrow engraving, Clement

Saxon State and University Library Dresden

Columbia Graphophone Company (London)

Saxon State and University Library Dresden