5 717 resultat inom Ämne Bronsåldern
Förhistorisk period mellan sten- och järnåldern när brons dominerade som material till vapen, verktyg och smycken
Radu Băjenaru
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Cristian Schuster
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Mugur Andronic
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Mircea Babeș; Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Carol Kacsó
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Eugen Comșa
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
Marian Gumă
National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
National Museum of Transylvanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History
National Museum of Romanian History