Bohužel, položku médií, jak byla poskytnuta Europeana, nelze v tuto chvíli zobrazit. Zkuste prosím stáhnout média nebo si položku prohlédnout na webových stránkách poskytující instituce.
Garland stoves and ranges trade card. IE TCD MS 11437/5/1/24
Trade card for Garland stoves and ranges, Detroit, Chicago, & Buffalo: “Aesthetic stoves are all the style. Some very tame, some very ‘Wilde’, Garlands always are the best far excelling all the rest.” Garland stoves and ranges were manufactured from 1864 in a small foundry in Detroit, which subsequently grew in size to become the Michigan Stove Company in 1873. This trade card features a colour il…
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(otevře se v novém okně)
- Rosenthal, Julia V.
- Mills, M. B.
- Michigan Stove Company
- Julia V. Rosenthal
- M. B. Mills
- Mills, M. B.
- Michigan Stove Company
- Stoves--Marketing--United States--19th century
- Michigan Stove Company
Typ položka
- Trade cards
- ephemera
- Image
- Efeméra
- Rosenthal, Julia V.
- Mills, M. B.
- Michigan Stove Company
- Julia V. Rosenthal
- M. B. Mills
- Mills, M. B.
- Michigan Stove Company
- Stoves--Marketing--United States--19th century
- Michigan Stove Company
Typ položka
- Trade cards
- ephemera
- Image
- Efeméra
Poskytovatelská instituce
Výrok o právech tohoto položka (není-li uvedeno jinak)
- Copyright The Board of Trinity College Dublin. Images are available for single-use academic application only. Publication, transmission or display is prohibited without formal written approval of the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.
Datum vzniku
- 1882
- #0z70pm30j
- image
- English
- eng
je součástí
- EnrichEuropeana
Země původu
- Ireland
Název kolekce
Poprvé zveřejněno na Europeana
- 2022-02-28T12:21:16.871Z
Poslední aktualizace od poskytující instituce
- 2023-02-27T20:26:43.925Z
Objevte související sbírky
Objevte související položky
Mills, M. B.; Michigan Stove Company
Trinity College Dublin
Local history museum and archive Bad Bodendorf
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin