3,483,439 results within Organisation Bibliothèque nationale de France

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Bibliothèque nationale de France

National Library of France

National library of France in Paris


Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Author of the text; Bersuire, Pierre (129.? -1362). Translator; Master of the City of the Ladies. Enlighter; …

National Library of France

National Library of France

Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Author of the text; Bersuire, Pierre (129.? -1362). Translator; Master of the City of the Ladies. Enlighter; …

National Library of France

Flavius Josephus (0038? -0100?). Author of the text; Master of the Flemish Boece. Enlighter

National Library of France

National Library of France

Jean de Mandeville. Author of the text; Ovid. Author of the text

National Library of France

Flavius Josephus (0038? -0100?). Author of the text; Master of the Flemish Boece. Enlighter

National Library of France

Shell (Gilbert). Author of the text; Alain Chartier. Author of the text; Michault Taillevent. Author of the text; …

National Library of France

Reclus of Moliens (The). Author of the text

National Library of France

Benoît de Sainte-More. Auteur du texte

National Library of France

Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Author of the text; Bersuire, Pierre (129.? -1362). Translator

National Library of France

Vincentius Bellovacensis (1190? -1264). Author of the text; Master of the City of the Ladies. Enlighter

National Library of France

National Library of France

Christine de Pisan (1363? -1431?). Author of the text

National Library of France

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375). Author of the text

National Library of France

Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Auteur du texte; Bersuire, Pierre (129.?-1362). Traducteur; Maître de la Cité des Dames. Enlumineur; …

National Library of France

Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Auteur du texte; Bersuire, Pierre (129.?-1362). Traducteur; Maître de la Cité des Dames. Enlumineur; …

National Library of France

Tite-Live (0059? av. J.-C.-0017). Auteur du texte; Bersuire, Pierre (129.?-1362). Traducteur; Maître de la Cité des Dames. Enlumineur; …

National Library of France

Augustinus (saint ; 0354-0430). Auteur du texte; Raoul de Presles (1316-1382). Traducteur; Maître du Virgile, enlumineur actif à Paris fin XIVe s-début XVe s.. Enlumineur; …

National Library of France

Flavius Josèphe (0038?-0100?). Auteur du texte; Maitre du Boèce flamand. Enlumineur

National Library of France

National Library of France