42,811 results within Topic Poetry

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Literary style characterized by a strong expressiveness of words

Moldovanu, Corneliu

Vasile Pârvan Bârlad Museum

Polygoon-Profilti (producent); Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (beheerder)

Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision


National Heritage Institute, Bucharest


National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Crișan V. Mușețeanu

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Tudor Vianu

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest


National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Ioan Grigore Periețeanu

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest


National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Galaction Gala

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Dorin Ștef

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Alexandru Candiano-Popescu

National Heritage Institute, Bucharest

Γαβριηλίδης, Θωμάς, (- ) -- Συγγραφέας

Veria Central Public Library

Veria Central Public Library

Αδαλόγλου, Νίκος, (-) -- Συγγραφέας

Veria Central Public Library

Veria Central Public Library

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