
Explore our galleries

Explore this gallery of paintings and photographs of sunshine and sunny days. Curated by Europeana Common Culture partners (

Since 1985, more than 60 cities across Europe have held the European Capital of Culture title.

Explore this gallery of beautiful views, vistas and landscapes in artworks from across Europe

News reports documenting how science has fought pandemics with vaccination. From polio in the 1950s to swine flu in the 21st century, public awareness through research, trustworthy information and governmental campaigns has been crucial.

Traditions associated with Easter: sending postcards, holiday preparations and celebrations.

This gallery of old postcards and pictures is selected from newly aggregated documents that came from the Croatian national aggregator eKultura. The postcards and pictures are a part of the Enrich Europeana + project. Stroll through the streets of Zagreb,…

This gallery is part of the Gender Heritage Connection. Objects and texts used during nonviolent protests to create social change are inclusively highlighted in this collection on the cultural heritage of a nonviolent revolution.

Female literacy during the Middle Ages was surprisingly high. Nuns were authors and scribes. Many other women encouraged reading and learning, especially noble woman. One example was Christine de Pizan, a poet at the court of King Charles VI of France. G…

Whether in the home or in a workplace, women's work has long been overlooked. This gallery of photographs and paintings presents women at work, raising questions of equality, rights and work-life balance.

Portraits of poets, authors, journalists and writers from across Europe.

Dictatorships and communist countries used sport as part of state propaganda systems, where women taking part in sport confronted idealised stereotypes of women and their bodies. Gallery curated by CRDI, Ajuntament de Girona for Europeana Sport project

This gallery is composed of several portraits of famous archaeologists and personalities which contributed with their work and their skills to achieve and consolidate new knowledge about the history of the past.

This gallery presents some of impressive machinery used at or behind the Austro-Hungarian front in World War I

In this gallery you can find examples of postcards which have circulated and influenced public opinion during First World War. Read how the postcard became a weapon of propaganda in our blog.

During World War One, soldiers did not always fight - they also had other work to do. And, off course, at the home front and in countries not involved in the war business went on as usual - if possible.

In the early 20th century, people's passion for sport led to them having formal portrait photographs taken. Curated by Ajuntament de Girona for Europeana Sport

A selection of lutes, harps and other instruments, being played by humans, animals and others

Explore a gallery with some of the most influential Black musicians that made history.

While settling in new nations, people who are refugees or have migrated have been setting up and working in new businesses. This gallery shows stores, cafes, restaurant, bakeries and more bringing benefits to their communities.