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Putni sat - budilica
Pogon na oprugu s vretenastom zaprečnicom i pužnim izjednačivačem sile. Konstrukcija s platinama. Neautomatski repeticioni mehanizam izbija sate i četvrtine sata na zvono. Mehanizam budilice s dva batića.Četverokutno kućište, na vrhu polukružno svedeno. Na bočnim i na stražnjoj strani vertikalno položeni ovalni medaljoni. Na njima je na ružičastoj emajliranoj pozadini izveden crtež grisaille tehni…
This item is provided and maintained by Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
View on the providing institution's website
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- Richardson
Type of item
- sat
- putni sat - budilica
- 1751. – 1775.
- enamel (fused coating)
- Bronze
- Vitreous enamel
- Brass
- Richardson
Type of item
- sat
- putni sat - budilica
- 1751. – 1775.
- enamel (fused coating)
- Bronze
- Vitreous enamel
- Brass
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
- London
- London
- United Kingdom
- MUO-002435
- MUO-002435
- repoussé
- drawing
- Engraving process
- Repoussé
- Drawing
Is part of
- Europeana Crafted
Providing country
- Croatia
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2015-11-03T10:36:28.697Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-11-13T07:50:23.650Z
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Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
George Richardson
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford