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Buch: Scotland illustrated in a series of views taken expressly for this work by [...], Vol. I
This item is provided and maintained by Museum of Decorative Arts, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
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- Bartlett, William H. (1809-1854); Illustrator
- Thomas Allom
- William Beattie
- Horatio Macculloch
- William Beattie
- Horatio McCulloch
- Thomas Allom
Type of item
- Bartlett, William H. (1809-1854); Illustrator
- Thomas Allom
- William Beattie
- Horatio Macculloch
- William Beattie
- Horatio McCulloch
- Thomas Allom
Type of item
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Creation date
- Verlag: London: George Virtue (Herausgeber), 1838; Druck: R. Clay (Herstellung)
- Λονδίνο
Current location
- Dresden (Herstellung)
- 34765 (Inventarnummer)
- http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/M6JMCJNVEGLKEJUQDFK2JS3CA3NOARVU
- 27,7 x 22,0 x 3,7 cm
- Pappe (Material/Technik)
- vergoldet (Material/Technik)
Providing country
- Germany
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2024-04-10T01:04:23.073Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2024-04-12T12:30:11.689Z
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Bartlett, William H. (1809-1854); Illustrator; Bentley, Charles (1806-1854); Illustrator; Harding, James Duffield (1797-1863); Illustrator; …
Museum of Decorative Arts, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin