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Piesă de formă tronconică, cu două toarte laterale, nesmălțuită, cu gura largă și buza răsfrântă, decorată cu motive geometrice: benzi circulare drepte, dispuse sub buza vasului. Cromatică: caramiziu, brun, alb.
This item is provided and maintained by Ethnographical Museum of Transylvania
View on the providing institution's website
(opens in new window)
- linii, benzi.
Type of item
- pots (containers)
- pottery (visual works)
- Ceramic
- mijloc sec. XX
- clay
- Clay
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Romania
- Banat
- Transylvania
- Doclin
- Caraş-Severin
- Caraș-Severin County
- Romania
- Doclin
Current location
- Muzeul Etnografic al Transilvaniei - CLUJ-NAPOCA
- A3596
- Culturalia#461cd0d9-b8e9-4a82-95fc-f8deaa3bac7f
- Înălțime: 22,5 cm
- 13 cm
- 15 cm
Is related to
- Romanians
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-05-02T14:48:03.237Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-06-01T08:04:00.207Z
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