Zoritxarrez, momentuz ezin da bistaratu Europeana-ri emandako multimedia-elementua. Mesedez, saiatu komunikabidea deskargatzen edo erakunde hornitzailearen webgunean elementua ikusten.
Eis organon Aristotelous anonymon
Tade enestin en tede te biblo, Aristotelous Ethikon Nikomacheion biblia deka ...
Ton en tede te biblo periechomenon onomata kai taxis, Aristotelous bios ek ton Laertiou ...
Ton en tede te biblo periechomenon onomata kai taxis, Theophrastou per phyton historias ...
Ton en tede te biblo periechomenon, onomata kai taxis, Aristotelous peri zoon historias ...
v. 4
Elementu hau John Adams Library at the Boston Public Library k hornitu eta mantentzen du
Erakunde hornitzailearen webgunean ikusi
(leiho berrian irekiko da)
- Alexander, of Aphrodisias.
- Bondinus, Alexander, active 15th century-
- Caballus, Franciscus, 1540
- Diogenes Laertius.
- Forteguerri, Scipione, 1466-1515
- Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515
- Philo, of Alexandria.
- Philoponus, John, active 6th century-
- Pio, Alberto, 1475-1531
- Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305
- …
- Aristotle.
- Aristoteles
- [Aldo Manuzio],
- [Venice] :
- Bookplates (Provenance)
- Botany
- Cancel slips (Printing)
- Economics
- Ethics, Ancient
- Incunabula
- Logic, Ancient
- Mechanics
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy, Ancient
- …
Elementu mota
- text
- Early works to 1800
- Pre-Linnean works
- book
- Liburu
- Alexander, of Aphrodisias.
- Bondinus, Alexander, active 15th century-
- Caballus, Franciscus, 1540
- Diogenes Laertius.
- Forteguerri, Scipione, 1466-1515
- Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515
- Philo, of Alexandria.
- Philoponus, John, active 6th century-
- Pio, Alberto, 1475-1531
- Porphyry, approximately 234-approximately 305
- …
- Aristotle.
- Aristoteles
- [Aldo Manuzio],
- [Venice] :
- Bookplates (Provenance)
- Botany
- Cancel slips (Printing)
- Economics
- Ethics, Ancient
- Incunabula
- Logic, Ancient
- Mechanics
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy, Ancient
- …
Elementu mota
- text
- Early works to 1800
- Pre-Linnean works
- book
- Liburu
Erakunde hornitzailea
Bitarteko hornitzailea
- BHL Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Internet Archive
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Not provided. Contact contributing library to verify copyright status.
Argitaratze data
- 1495-1498
- 1495/1498
- Italy
- Italia
Egungo kokapena
- Boston Public Library (archive.org)
- https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/264459
- https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/264459
- Greek, Ancient
Herrialde hornitzailea
- United States of America
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2021-12-22T14:33:43.382Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2021-12-22T14:33:43.382Z