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FRAD033-090 Histoire d'Alphonse et Paul Gueytat
Documents from Alphonse et Paul Gueytat
Alphonse Gueytat was born in Lyon in 1866. Knight of the Legion of Honor, he was battalion commander in the 63rd infantry regiment when he was killed in action at Saint-Léonard near Reims on September 26, 1914. He wrote his daily diary. Paul Gueytat, born in Orléans in 1878, was also an officer during the Great War: captain in the 13th regiment of foot hunters, he belonged to the cycling group of …
- Nicole Leteissier
- World War I
- Alphonse, Léon, Pierre, Marie Gueytat
- Paul, Lucien, François, Adolphe Gueytat
- Lehen Mundu Gerra
Elementu mota
- Story
- Nicole Leteissier
- World War I
- Alphonse, Léon, Pierre, Marie Gueytat
- Paul, Lucien, François, Adolphe Gueytat
- Lehen Mundu Gerra
Elementu mota
- Story
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Sortze data
- 2013-11-21 15:32:48 UTC
- 2013-11-21
- Western Front
- FRAD033
- 10022
- https://1914-1918.europeana.eu/contributions/10022
- Français
- fra
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- Europe
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- 2019-08-24T02:52:20.680Z
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- 2024-07-07T01:54:19.426Z
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Slott-Møller, Harald (1864-1937) maler
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library
Boisen, I. photographer
The Royal Library: The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library