corsage in white satin with embroidered multicoloured floral motifs including a lady in green; carnation, lily, rose, Easter flower and iris; embroidered in stitch; in the front a panel in effect damask weave in red and white cotton; model based on 18th century costume with elbow-length sleeves; lining in white cotton. The embroidery has been recovered from a mid-18th century piece.
corsage in white satin with embroidered multicoloured floral motifs including a lady in green; carnation, lily, rose, Easter flower and iris; embroidered in stitch; in the front a panel in effect damask weave in red and white cotton; model based on 18th century costume with elbow-length sleeves; lining in white cotton. The embroidery has been recovered from a mid-18th century piece.
Elementu hau Fashion Museum of Antwerp k hornitu eta mantentzen du
- 1750/1840
- 1750/1840
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
Sortze data
- 1750/1840
- 1750/1840
- Zaandam
- Herbehereak
- Zaandam
- Herbehereetako Erresuma
- 37cm (14 9/16in.)
Honen parte da
- Europeana XX: Century of Change
Lotuta dago
- green
- red
- white
Herrialde hornitzailea
- Belgium
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2023-05-04T06:12:19.106Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2024-07-16T08:57:24.351Z
Ezagutu erlazionatutako bildumak
Ezagutu erlazionatutako elementuak
Katoendrukkerij Voortman - Société Anonyme Texas
Fashion Museum of Antwerp
Katoendrukkerij Voortman - Société Anonyme Texas
Fashion Museum of Antwerp
Katoendrukkerij Voortman - Société Anonyme Texas
Fashion Museum of Antwerp