Postoje, hodnoty a demografické chování v České a Slovenské republice v období transformace (1991–2008)
Attitudes, values and demographics behaviour in the Czech and Slovak Republics in the period of transformation (1991-2008)
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both…
- Rabušic, Ladislav
- Chromková Manea, Beatrice
- European Values Study
- values and attitudes
- the family
- marriage
- value of children
- value of marriage
- HM
Tipo di oggetto
- model:article
- Rabušic, Ladislav
- Chromková Manea, Beatrice
- European Values Study
- values and attitudes
- the family
- marriage
- value of children
- value of marriage
- HM
Tipo di oggetto
- model:article
Fornitore di contenuti
Dichiarazione dei diritti del supporto in questo record (se non diversamente specificato)
- policy:public
- Data a výzkum: SDA Info | 2012 Volume:6 | Number:1
Codice di identificazione
- uuid:a55d6f85-c1ca-11ea-91a2-001b21187a68
- uuid:a55d6f85-c1ca-11ea-91a2-001b21187a68
- electronic
- cze
- ces
Paese fornitore
- Czech Republic
Nome della collezione
Pubblicato per la prima volta su Europeana
- 2021-05-21T06:43:45.539Z
Ultimo aggiornamento dal fornitore di contenuti
- 2021-12-25T05:07:51.358Z
Scopri le collezioni correlate
Scopri gli oggetti correlati
Rabušic, Ladislav; Chromková Manea, Beatrice Elena
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
National Library of Serbia
Pakosta, Petr
Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Trommsdorff, Gisela
German National Library