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’15 July memorial constructed to Le Bel in Supgay Wullah [sic]’
Photograph negative taken with the Pamir Triangulation Survey party, April-September 1913, of which Major Richard William George Hingston was a participant. ’15 July memorial constructed to Le Bel in Supgay Wullah [sic]’
Dit item wordt geleverd en onderhouden door Trinity College Dublin
Bekijk op de website van de deelnemende erfgoedorganisatie
(opent in nieuw venster)
- Hingston, R. W. G. (Richard William George), 1887-1966
- Unattributed
- Manuscripts & Archives Research Library, Trinity College Dublin
- Unattributed
- Manuscripts & Archives Research Library, Trinity College Dublin
- Afghanistan--Description and travel
- Pamir Region--Discovery and exploration
- Ecological surveys
- Pakistan--Description and travel
- India--Description and travel
Type object
- Still image
- Photographs
- black-and-white negatives
- Zwart-wit negatief
- Hingston, R. W. G. (Richard William George), 1887-1966
- Unattributed
- Manuscripts & Archives Research Library, Trinity College Dublin
- Unattributed
- Manuscripts & Archives Research Library, Trinity College Dublin
- Afghanistan--Description and travel
- Pamir Region--Discovery and exploration
- Ecological surveys
- Pakistan--Description and travel
- India--Description and travel
Type object
- Still image
- Photographs
- black-and-white negatives
- Zwart-wit negatief
Deelnemende erfgoedorganisatie
Rechtenstatus van de media in dit record (tenzij anders vermeld)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Copyright The Board of Trinity College Dublin. Images are available for single-use academic application only. Publication, transmission or display is prohibited without formal written approval of the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.
- 1913-07-15
- #4742q070m
- image
- English
- eng
Is onderdeel van
- EnrichEuropeana
- Ireland
Naam van de collectie
Voor het eerst gepubliceerd op Europeana
- 2022-02-28T12:21:16.871Z
Laatste keer bijgewerkt door deelnemende erfgoedorganisatie
- 2023-02-27T20:26:43.925Z