Abuelas, abuelos y padres varones en el cuidado de la infancia
During the last years, fathers have become more involved on childcare in Spain. The aim of this article is to know whether this increasing involvement of the fathers replaces the care provided by the grandparents or, on the contrary, there is a complementary relationship. We used a sample from the Survey of Parental Leaves Use in Spain, which is composed by 1,125 dual earner respondents with at le…
Túto objekt poskytuje a spravuje Complutense University of Madrid
Zobrazenie na webovej stránke poskytovateľa
(otvorí sa v novom okne)
- Administrador, BUCM
- Cob Moreno, Elena
- de Santos Olmos, Leticia
- Guerrero García, Eduardo
- Garcia Sanchez, Maite
- Henche Grande, Laura
- Jiménez Manzanares, Abel
- Sánchez Fernández, María Elena
- del Puerto López, Carmen
- Prieto Rodríguez, Carlos
- …
- Meil, Gerardo
- Rogero-García, Jesús
- grandparents
- fathers
- work/family balance
- childcare
- masculinities
- domestic labor division
- 12-05-2014
- 2014
- 2014
- 2014-05-12
- Administrador, BUCM
- Cob Moreno, Elena
- de Santos Olmos, Leticia
- Guerrero García, Eduardo
- Garcia Sanchez, Maite
- Henche Grande, Laura
- Jiménez Manzanares, Abel
- Sánchez Fernández, María Elena
- del Puerto López, Carmen
- Prieto Rodríguez, Carlos
- …
- Meil, Gerardo
- Rogero-García, Jesús
- grandparents
- fathers
- work/family balance
- childcare
- masculinities
- domestic labor division
- 12-05-2014
- 2014
- 2014
- 2014-05-12
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- oai:revistas.ucm.es:article/44713
- es
Je súčasťou
- Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales - CRLA
- 1988-2572
- 1131-8635
- http://data.theeuropeanlibrary.org/Collection/a1002
- 2014
Poskytujúca krajina
- Spain
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Prvýkrát zverejnené na Europeana
- 2014-06-30T15:06:17.118Z
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- 2016-03-04T10:46:42.027Z