Roman de la rose
Ta enota zagotavlja in vzdržuje University of Leuven
Oglejte si na spletni strani ponudnik podatkov
(odpre se v novem oknu)
- Jean de Meung
- Guillaume de Lorris
- Jean de Meung
- Guillaume de Lorris
Vrsta enota
- Monograph
- Monografija
- Jean de Meung
- Guillaume de Lorris
- Jean de Meung
- Guillaume de Lorris
Vrsta enota
- Monograph
- Monografija
Ponudnik podatkov
Licenca za medije v tem enota (če ni navedeno drugače)
Datum izdaje
- 1301? - 1499?
- 1301?/1499?
- 9977307990101488
- 5 vertical strips ; ; fragm. a: 267 x 61 mm, fragm. b: 257 x 55/63 mm, fragm. c: 267 x 61/64 mm, fragm. d: 36/62 x 30/60 mm, fragm. e: 246/260 x 64/66 mm ; margins: upper margin 17 mm, lower margin 63 mm, inner margin 21 mm.
- 36 lines/page, interlinear space 5 mm, ruling in brown ink.
- script: Gothic, 1 hand.
- Manuscript
- Rokopis
- frm
- Middle French
Je del
Država izvora
- Belgium
Ime zbirke
Prvič objavljeno na Europeana
- 2015-03-25T17:02:56.427Z
Zadnjič posodobljeno s strani ponudnika podatkov
- 2015-03-25T17:02:56.427Z
Kazalo vsebine
- Only fragments a-c contain text, text on fragm. d is no longer legible
- *fragm. a: v. 5434-5469 (r) and v. 5537-5573 (v)
- *fragm. b: v. 6099-6108 and 6119-6131 (r) and a.o. v. 6217-6220 (v, upper part)
- *fragm. c: v. 6246-6280 + 6 lines (r) and around v. 6380 (v)
Odkrijte povezane zbirke
Odkrijte povezane enote
Jean de Meung (124.? -1304?). Author of the text; Guillaume de Lorris (1200? -1260?). Author of the text
National Library of France
Jean de Meung (124.? -1304?). Author of the text; Guillaume de Lorris (1200? -1260?). Author of the text
National Library of France
Guillaume de Lorris (1200? -1260?). Author of the text; Jean de Meung (124.? -1304?). Author of the text
National Library of France