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Vita Pauli simplicis (19 March)
title: Мѣсꙙца марта въ девꙙтꙑ на десꙙте· житиѥ прѣподобь҆нааго о҅тьца нашего· павъла прѣпростааго ⁘
Two folios are missing from the middle of the text after f. 86v
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Type of item
- Work
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- Work
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- http://data.dm2e.eu/data/item/bas/codsupra/69
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- http://data.dm2e.eu/data/item/bas/codsupra/codexsuprasliensis
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- Bulgaria
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First time published on Europeana
- 2015-01-08T10:39:06.991Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2017-07-28T09:25:08.122Z
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Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences