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Grabinschrift auf Altar
P(ublius) Laelius P(ubli) l(ibertus) / Heracla v(ivus) f(ecit) / sibi et / Samudae Musonis / f(iliae) con(iugi) pientissimae / an(norum) LV et Laeliae P(ubli) f(iliae) / Secundinae an(norum) / XXX et Laeliae / Bononiae nepti an(norum)
This item is provided and maintained by Epigraphic Database Heidelberg
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- Feraudi
- epigraphy
Type of item
- Altar
- http://www.eagle-network.eu/voc/decor/lod/2000
- Sepulcralis
- 131 AD – 170 AD
- from: 0131 to: 0170
- 0131/0170
- Feraudi
- epigraphy
Type of item
- Altar
- http://www.eagle-network.eu/voc/decor/lod/2000
- Sepulcralis
- 131 AD – 170 AD
- from: 0131 to: 0170
- 0131/0170
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Rights Reserved - Free Access on Epigraphischen Fotothek Heidelberg , 1995, G.A. Neg. 289,21 (see http://edh-www.adw.uni-heidelberg.de/hilfe/liste/fotographen)
- Noricum
- Flavia Solva, bei
- Seggauberg
- Österreich
- Noricum
- Ancient Rome
- Seggauberg
- Austria
- HD037276
- -86.5 x -115 x 49 (cm)
- Marmor
- la
Is referenced by
- E. Weber, Die römerzeitlichen Inschriften der Steiermark (Graz 1969) 254-255, Nr. 197; Foto.
- CIL 03, 05365.
- ILLPRON 1405.
- G. Kremer, Antike Grabbauten in Noricum (Wien 2001) 251, Nr. 286.
- S. Karl - G. Wrolli, in: S. Karl - G. Wrolli, Der Alte Turm im Schloss Seggau zu Leibnitz. Historische Untersuchungen zum ältesten Bauteil der Burgenanlage Leibnitz in der Steiermark (Wien - Berlin - Münster 2011) 176, Nr. 38; Zeichnung; Taf. 62 (Zeichnung).
Providing country
- Germany
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2019-04-23T21:48:04.261Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2019-04-23T21:48:04.261Z
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Peter Kruschwitz (Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna)
University of Vienna
García Morilla, Alejandro
Complutense University of Madrid
Biernat, Andrzej (1949- )
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