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[64v - 78r] Appellatio peccatoris ad divinam misericordiam [deutsch].
This item is provided and maintained by University Library Freiburg
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Type of item
- Beigefügtes oder enthaltenes Werk
Type of item
- Beigefügtes oder enthaltenes Werk
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Issue date
- 1484 - 1522
- 1484/1522
- http://www.zvdd.de/object/DE-25/urn:nbn:de:bsz:25-digilib-1896/log00008
- http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/JG3PVIZRCIIK7FACPE6D6YCQT2XEX5P5
- ger
- lat
- lat
- deu
Providing country
- Germany
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2021-05-17T17:33:55.905Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2021-05-17T17:33:55.905Z
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Writer, Heinrich
University Library Freiburg
University Library Freiburg