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Rembrandt’s Son Titus in a Monk’s Habit
Rembrandt’s son Titus was probably the model for this ‘portrait’ of a Franciscan monk. His downcast eyes lend him an air of quiet introspection. His serene, pale face stands out clearly against a backdrop of green and brown vegetation.Solitary retreat into nature for prayer and reflection was of great importance to Saint Francis and his order.
This item is provided and maintained by Rijksmuseum
View on the providing institution's website
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- Rijksmuseum
- http://iconclass.org/11P31521
- http://iconclass.org/11H(FRANCIS)
- http://iconclass.org/61B2
- Rijn, Titus Rembrandtsz. van
- Francis of Assisi
Type of item
- painting
- Art of painting
- Purchased with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, 1933; formerly Stroganoff Collection, St Petersburg
- Rijksmuseum
- http://iconclass.org/11P31521
- http://iconclass.org/11H(FRANCIS)
- http://iconclass.org/61B2
- Rijn, Titus Rembrandtsz. van
- Francis of Assisi
Type of item
- painting
- Art of painting
- Purchased with the support of the Vereniging Rembrandt, 1933; formerly Stroganoff Collection, St Petersburg
Providing institution
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
- Public Domain
- Publiek Domein
Creation date
- 1660
- 1660
- third quarter 17th century
- ...; ? sale, Jean-François Sané (1732-79, Paris), Paris, 8 March 1780, no. 36 (‘Un Capucin vu à mi-corps; il paroît réfléchir profondément. Le fond annonce un paysage. Ce Tableau, d’une touche large d’un effet piquant, est peint sur toile par Rembrandt.’), fr. 221, to Joullain; ... ; ? sale, Charles Paul Vialart de Saint-Morys (1743-95, Paris), Paris (A.J. Paillet and A. Millioti), 6 (13) February 1786 sqq., no. 115 (‘Rimbrandt van Rhin. Un Réligieux représenté à mi corps & en méditation. Ce tableau, savant de touche; ne laisse aucun doute sur l’originalité, par la hardiesse de son exécution. H. 33 pouces, L. 26 pouces [89.1 x 70.2 cm]. Toile’), fr. 88, to Langlier; …; collection Count Alexander Sergeević Stroganoff (1733-1811), St Petersburg, 1800 ('Portrait d'un jeune homme en habit de St. François'); {Coll. cat. Stroganoff 1800, no. 52; coll. cat. Stroganoff 1807, no. 37; coll. cat. Stroganoff 1835, no. 37; see Jaeger 2007, p. 319.} his son, Count Paul Alexandrović Stroganoff (1772-1817), St Petersburg; his son-in-law, Count Sergej Gregor'ević Stroganoff (1794-1882), St Petersburg; his son, Alexander Sergejević Stroganoff (1818-64), St Petersburg; his son, Sergej Alexandrović Stroganoff (1852-1923), St Petersburg and Paris; confiscated by the Soviet Union 1917; from the Soviet Union, through the mediation of Colnaghi London, fl. 800,000, together with the Rembrandt workshop Denial of St Peter (SK-A-3137/no. XX), to the Vereniging Rembrandt for the museum, 1933{Hecht 2008, p. 85.}
- http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.5227
- SK-A-3138
- height 79.5 cm
- width 67.7 cm
- canvas
- oil paint (paint)
- Canvas
- nl
Is part of
- collection: paintings
- collectie: schilderijen
- 1660
Providing country
- Netherlands
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2014-05-27T20:15:15.632Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2018-03-17T14:37:44.702Z