Lăutarul din suita „Impresii din copilărie“
Lucrare muzicală de George Enescu, interpretată de Ștefan Beșan (vioară) și Verona Maier (pian) cu prilejul Concursului „Drumul spre celebritate“ din 29 mai 2010, de la Palatul Mogoșoaia. Înregistrare pe suport DVD din Arhiva Radio România (DVD-FM-152); regizor muzical: Gabriela Dina.
This item is provided and maintained by Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company
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- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune
- …
- George Enescu
- twentieth century (dates CE)
- Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company
- music (performing arts genre)
- palaces (official residences)
- 2010-05-29
- Chamber music
- Suite
- George Enescu
- 20th century
Type of item
- radio programs
- 29 mai 2010
- 2010-05-29
- 2010-05-29
- Societatea Romana de Radiodifuziune
- …
- George Enescu
- twentieth century (dates CE)
- Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company
- music (performing arts genre)
- palaces (official residences)
- 2010-05-29
- Chamber music
- Suite
- George Enescu
- 20th century
Type of item
- radio programs
- 29 mai 2010
- 2010-05-29
- 2010-05-29
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Palatul Mogoșoaia
- DVD-FM-152_0201
- Culturalia#110f5e1e-091e-4153-ace8-c88a1670b9c2
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-04-03T10:54:25.954Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-04-12T08:41:04.160Z