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Piesa reprezintă o brățară cu capetele deschise și apropiate. Secțiunea este rotundă. Decorul constă din crestături verticale. Compoziție: Sn (1,92), Pb (0,042), As (1,65), Sb (0,54), Ag (0,02), Ni (0,68), Co (0,19).
This item is provided and maintained by National Museum of Transylvanian History
View on the providing institution's website
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- brățară, bronz
Type of item
- bracelets (jewelry)
- Bracelet
- 1300-1200 a. Chr
- Epoca bronzului târziu
- Late Bronze Age
- bronze (metal)
- casting (process)
- Bronze
Providing institution
Intermediate provider
Rights statement for the media in this item (unless otherwise specified)
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Romania
- Uriu
- Bistriţa-Năsăud
- Transylvania
- Bistrița-Năsăud County
- Romania
- Uriu
Current location
- Muzeul Național de Istorie a Transilvaniei - CLUJ-NAPOCA
- P 1131
- Culturalia#edc5ebfd-f611-4a84-9899-108076b39c89
- 6,2/6,5 cm
- 1,1 cm
- 114 gr
Is part of
- http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300195474
Is related to
- Bronze Age
Providing country
- Romania
Collection name
First time published on Europeana
- 2023-05-02T14:48:03.237Z
Last time updated from providing institution
- 2023-06-01T08:04:00.207Z