Zoritxarrez, momentuz ezin da bistaratu Europeana-ri emandako multimedia-elementua. Mesedez, saiatu komunikabidea deskargatzen edo erakunde hornitzailearen webgunean elementua ikusten.
Selected boy entrants to Britain's Modern Army, training at the Army Catering Corps Training Centre, will be fit for high appointment in the hotelier business when the army days are done. The boys, varying in age from 14 1/2 to 15 1/2, undergo a three year course before entering man's service, and are taught all branches of cooking, butchery and larder work, both in Barrack and field conditions. Education goes on to certificate standards, and their precision on the square denotes the high quality of their soldierly tuition. Picture Shows: Boy Edward Ford receives instruction in butchery from an army chef at the training centre at Aldershot. 21 June 1947
Selected boy entrants to Britain's Modern Army, training at the Army Catering Corps Training Centre, will be fit for high appointment in the hotelier business when the army days are done. The boys, varying in age from 14 1/2 to 15 1/2, undergo a three year course before entering man's service, and are taught all branches of cooking, butchery and larder work, both in Barrack and field conditions. E…
Elementu hau TopFoto k hornitu eta mantentzen du
Erakunde hornitzailearen webgunean ikusi
(leiho berrian irekiko da)
- EUFD / TopFoto
- TopFoto.co.uk
- Features
- People
- Chefs
- Catering
- Industry
- 1940\'s
- 1940s
- 20th century
- 40\'s
- 40s
- …
Elementu mota
- Photography
- Genero fotografiko
- 21 June 1947
- 1947-06-21
- Mono Contact Print
- EUFD / TopFoto
- TopFoto.co.uk
- Features
- People
- Chefs
- Catering
- Industry
- 1940\'s
- 1940s
- 20th century
- 40\'s
- 40s
- …
Elementu mota
- Photography
- Genero fotografiko
- 21 June 1947
- 1947-06-21
- Mono Contact Print
Erakunde hornitzailea
Elementu honen baimenen egoera (besterik adierazi ezean)
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- Aldershot
- Hampshire
- United Kingdom England
- Aldershot
- Erresuma Batua
- EUFD001748
- 5141x4004
- Mono Contact Print
- English
Honen parte da
- http://eufoodanddrink.eu/
- Picture Library
Herrialde hornitzailea
- United Kingdom
Bildumaren izena
Lehenengo aldiz argitaratua Europeana-n
- 2015-11-26T10:08:14.490Z
Erakunde hornitzaileak azken aldiz eguneratu du
- 2016-06-15T07:40:43.496Z